New 3D Snow Cottage Screen Saver will show you nice scenes of charming stone cottages with glowing windows and smoking chimneys. Twilight approaches, snowfall becomes heavier, and snow accumulates on the ground, on roofs and trees, making the picture even more realistic. This amazing screen saver comes alive with animated birds and rabbits.
Find peace this season in a Snowy Winter Wonderland right on your desktop. Take a break from this busy time of year and just relax to the hypnotic snow falling as warm lights adorn a majestic tree and a welcoming home glows silently in this lovely scene. This screen saver will stir feelings of nostalgia as you gaze over snowy hills and pine trees, making you wish you could meander through this winter wonderland screen saver.
Decorate your screen this winter season with the 3D Snowy Cottage ScreenSaver. Featuring Magical, accumulating snowfall, Animated birds and rabbits, Peaceful nature sounds.
If you upgrade to Premium version, you will get two additional cozy cottages, magical, accumulating snowfall, glowing lights in windows and lamp posts, more animated birds and Rabbits, and much more.
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